Monday, May 31, 2010

Afghans to roll out peace strategy at national conference in Kabul

This article is about an upcoming conference in Pakistan. They will be discussing ways to make peace and how to take the wind out of the taliban's sails. One problem is that the Taliban refuse to send anyone to the conference, saying that it is just a "phony reconciliation process", and that they wont make any agreements until foreign troops are out of Pakistan. Also the current president Hamid Karzai who is putting this conference together is being questioned by some of the women of the country. Some of them think that he is just trying to get more funding for the southern pashtuns, which are a big part of the Taliban.
I think this article is very important because it shows to complexity of the situation but it also I think is a good thing that they are at least trying to talk some of these problems out. The big problem is that the group that they are trying to get rid of, wont talk and says that they will if basically American troops leave. If they actually are able to convince us to do that, I think it would be devastating to Pakistan because then they will finally have the breathing room to really start taking over the country. Either way it is just a huge problem and certain decisions with this problem are certainly life or death decisions for many Pakistanis

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