Monday, May 31, 2010

Aid or undue influence? Cuba sends Venezuela experts to train military, work on security

This article is about the growing alliance between Venezuela and Cuba. Not only is Cuba using educators and doctors from Venezuela, but now Cuba is sending Venezuelan troops to train their own troops. This article talks about what the alliance might do for the region and the possible worries it could cause the United States. Also the article discusses the state of the two countries individually, and how Venezuela might just be acting friendly so that they have power over Cuba.
I think this article is important because something like this usually might just go under the radar, but it might actually end up becoming a major conflict if nobody intervenes. I say that it might go under the radar because all the stuff going on in the middle east. But really they are just the problem of our era, its not like Cuba can't be just as dangerous and area one day. So we need to continue to keep an eye all around the globe so that Americans stay safe and so the whole world can at least be a little safer.

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