Monday, May 31, 2010

Israel Defends Self at U.N. Security Council Amidst Controversy Over Flotilla Raid

This is about the Israeli raid of the Flotilla of ships heading towards the Gaza strip with aid. Although this is a problem within itself, this article is about the relations between Turkey and Israel. The Turkish prime minister said the Israel lost all legitimacy after this event. But as made clear a many number of times, if Israel feels threatened, they are going to use force they feel necessary to keep their people safe. They said they are sorry for any innocent lives lost but they cannot compromise their own security. The ships were put together by a group that was supporters of terrorist groups like Hamas and Al Qaeda, and they refused Israeli requests to stop and allow them to check their load.
I think this is very important, probably one of the most important articles I have read out of my current events. Obviously Israel needs as many allies as it can get, but they also need to protect their much hated country to the best of their ability. So what do they have to do? Now they have lost an ally and are under a ton of speculation. Is it gonna take another war to prove to the people around this world that people hate Israel and seriously want it WIPED OFF THE FACE OF THE MAP? I think its pretty sad but I actually think that is what actually has to happen. Countries all around Europe are starting to view Israel as this big bully, but all they are doing is protecting themselves. This is an extremely tough position for Israel and Honestly I have no idea what they should do. Just another thing to add to this never ending problem.

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