Sunday, February 28, 2010

Fifty Tons of Dead Fish Wash Ashore in Rio Lagoon

This story is basically what the title says. Fifty tons of dead fish washed to shore, of many different species. It covered about 2 square miles of beach. Scientists believe that it is due to a new species of algae. The smell of the dead fish is almost unbearable all around the tourist populated city.

This article is of global importance because I have to believe that 50 tons of fish just dying will effect the ecosystem in a major way. I am very curios to see if this brings about any other events which animals are dying out. I know about the cycle of life and like how if all the bees in the world just died, theoretically the humans would only be able to survive 3 years. And I also wanted to get off the arab-israeli conflict for a little.

U.N. presses for more investigations into Israel-Gaza war

This article is about the UN's investigation between the Israel-Gaza conflict. Palestinians are saying that Israels acts were war-crimes and those involved should be brought to justice. This article talks about the Goldstone report which gives was a report taken from when the conflict was going on but is not impartial. The vote was 98-7 in favor of adding the Goldstone Report into the decision process.
This article seriously disgusts me. Israel has been conducting agreed upon impartial investigations on the conflict and there is no reason to stop that and just add in this bias piece of evidence. And second of all Israel went on the offensive because missiles were being shot at them, what the hell are they supposed to do. Asking politely doesn't work in this situation. Israel sent in a report justifying all of its actions. Israel asked "Or, in contrast, do we really believe that the terrorist Hamas organization will investigate its use of human shields, its appalling methods of targeting civilians, and its cynical use of schools, hospitals, and mosques as weapons of terror?" This is of global importance because it is dealing with one of the most tender topics. And the Un doesn't seem to understand that even if they do bring Israelis to justice. If Palestinians keep shooting rockets into Israel, they wont hesitate to retaliate, and they have no reason too.

Top Israeli official: A nuclear Iran would endanger world stability

This article is about The threat that Iran poses to not only Israel, but the whole region by being nuclear. The Israeli defense minister talks about what he thinks the situation is, and what threat is really being posed. He doesn't think that Iran is crazy enough to drop any bombs, but he does say that you never know. He doesn't like it because an "armed Iran could endanger the region, disrupt oil supplies and empower Iran's terrorist allies." He wants to work with the United States to put an economic sanction on Iran until they change the direct they are going. "Iran is not living up to its responsibilities and we are working with our partners in the international community to increase pressure on Iran to change course," said Hillary Clinton after her meeting with Israel's defense minister.
This article is of global importance because as we learned, the terrorist group Hezbollah gets its weaponry from Iran. If we allow Hezbollah to get its hands on nuclear weapons, I doubt they are just going to sit on their hands. Iran may not be crazy enough to shoot a nuke, but an extremist terrorists group on the other hand will not be so hesitant. I think that the most important thing to gaining some sort of peace in this world is just to make sure that another nuke is not used. We should do everything in our power to stop another one to be used because after it is, all hell will break loose.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Conflict in the Middle East

I think that the most important conflict that is going on the middle east is the Arab-Israeli conflict. Although this conflict goes back from times in the BC, the conflict though has been very predominant since Israel became the home land for the jewish people in 1947. Since then, 10 middle eastern countries have fought against Israel in 4 different wars. Now with nuclear power starting to come u with countries like Iran, Israel should be very worried for there future. Hatred is the simplest way to explain it. Groups from these countries just hate the Jews and really any infidels. The current president of Iran wants "To raze Israel to the ground, to batter down, to destroy, to annihilate, to liquidate, to erase Israel, to wipe it off the map". And now that they are a nuclear power, Israel is under constant pressure to try and make peace. But I think that the only way they can secure their safety is to scare the countries away from attacking them. Thats why their military is by far the strongest in the area. And now some people are misguided in their views of Israel because they seem to be the aggressor. But i believe everything they do is necessary.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Middle East

The middle east is the area around the eastern Mediterranean; from Turkey to northern Africa and eastward to Iran; the site of such ancient civilizations as Phoenicia and Babylon and Egypt and the birthplace of Judaism and Christianity and Islam. The climate is very dry and baron.
This region of the world has been at the center of world conflict because it has the most oil in the world. And leading that is the country of Saudi Arabia, which is said to float on oil. It is also of much conflict because the holy land is located in the middle east. The religions that I mentioned above all believe they should have control over that land. And fighting has always occurred over it.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Video Response

After Gandhi attained independence form the Britain. He was not able to have any happiness because as soon as the too countries of India and Pakistan were created, they immediately began to fight. His goal was for the two groups to live in peace, but each group blamed the other for its problems. I believe that he was not able to live in peace at all because he wouldn't be happy until there was peace. He would alway try to be the change he wanted to see in the world. And the fighting that was going on was totally disgracing what he had been preaching. And I don't think that even if he wasn't assassinated that the civil war and the current relationship between india and pakistan would be avoided. Obviously at the time of this event, the people on both sides had intense pride for either hindus or muslims. And Gandhi obviously didn't have the same influence over the people. I think when you are trying to lead a beaten people, like he had before, you can give them pride, but when you are trying to stop a group that is on the rise and already has the pride, its a lot harder to have an effect. But at the same time, there was peace at the time near his death, and when he was killed, the fighting began again. Would the fighting have continued to halt if he lived? I don't think so but it a definite possibility.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Gandhi Interpretation

I think that he was able to gain the support of the people because he was doing what they all wished they had the confidence to do. He was being the change he wanted to see. And he had not only the passion, but he had the knowledge to make sure that he came out on top. He started off wearing a suite. But later he learns more of the clothing that the indian people wear so he could relate more to them. He also looks more like a preacher. And he got the support of the muslims and the lower class hindu's because he said that he doesn't want to just have the higher class hindu's to just reinstate there old policies. He wanted everyone to have freedom. Because the people's support he gained, he eventually got the attention of the government, and even the government wasn't all on the same page. By bringing fear into the government, they started to act which gave pride to the hindu and muslim people. And by using civil disobedience he showed that he wanted to put all his power into stopping the british. The Hindu's and muslims saw him taking a beating and felt bad and eventually joined his cause. By dressing in basically rags, he showed the people that they didn't need to have what the british have to offer. And he was able to give up his whole life and go to jail if it meant that it could rally the people for his cause and bring passion to his followers. The injustices made against the Hindu's and muslims just made the uprising stronger. And even some of the british saw the good in his cause. Even after the salt march, when the british put 90,000 to 100,000 were put into jail, they still did not use violence. Overall the one thing that Gandhi needed to gain support of the world. Because he embarrassed the british because they knew what they were doing was wrong and know the whole world new. The world will know put pressure on the the british to stop rule.

Friday, February 5, 2010

I believe that an unjust law is no law at all. Therefore I don't believe that one should not be content to obey that unjust laws in place. This is because unjust law can not be overcome by just waiting. And unjust laws is one of worst human rights violations that a state or region can impose on its people. And even if you disagree with these laws, to obey them is a way of supporting them in a way because that gives that law more power over the people. That is why I think that to transgress at once is the best choice in the matter. If you have enough people on your side, civil disobedience can over come many obstacles. There are many examples, such as Gandhi, Martin Luther King, and Rosa Parks.