Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Video Response

After Gandhi attained independence form the Britain. He was not able to have any happiness because as soon as the too countries of India and Pakistan were created, they immediately began to fight. His goal was for the two groups to live in peace, but each group blamed the other for its problems. I believe that he was not able to live in peace at all because he wouldn't be happy until there was peace. He would alway try to be the change he wanted to see in the world. And the fighting that was going on was totally disgracing what he had been preaching. And I don't think that even if he wasn't assassinated that the civil war and the current relationship between india and pakistan would be avoided. Obviously at the time of this event, the people on both sides had intense pride for either hindus or muslims. And Gandhi obviously didn't have the same influence over the people. I think when you are trying to lead a beaten people, like he had before, you can give them pride, but when you are trying to stop a group that is on the rise and already has the pride, its a lot harder to have an effect. But at the same time, there was peace at the time near his death, and when he was killed, the fighting began again. Would the fighting have continued to halt if he lived? I don't think so but it a definite possibility.

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