Sunday, February 28, 2010

Fifty Tons of Dead Fish Wash Ashore in Rio Lagoon

This story is basically what the title says. Fifty tons of dead fish washed to shore, of many different species. It covered about 2 square miles of beach. Scientists believe that it is due to a new species of algae. The smell of the dead fish is almost unbearable all around the tourist populated city.

This article is of global importance because I have to believe that 50 tons of fish just dying will effect the ecosystem in a major way. I am very curios to see if this brings about any other events which animals are dying out. I know about the cycle of life and like how if all the bees in the world just died, theoretically the humans would only be able to survive 3 years. And I also wanted to get off the arab-israeli conflict for a little.

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