Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Conflict in the Middle East

I think that the most important conflict that is going on the middle east is the Arab-Israeli conflict. Although this conflict goes back from times in the BC, the conflict though has been very predominant since Israel became the home land for the jewish people in 1947. Since then, 10 middle eastern countries have fought against Israel in 4 different wars. Now with nuclear power starting to come u with countries like Iran, Israel should be very worried for there future. Hatred is the simplest way to explain it. Groups from these countries just hate the Jews and really any infidels. The current president of Iran wants "To raze Israel to the ground, to batter down, to destroy, to annihilate, to liquidate, to erase Israel, to wipe it off the map". And now that they are a nuclear power, Israel is under constant pressure to try and make peace. But I think that the only way they can secure their safety is to scare the countries away from attacking them. Thats why their military is by far the strongest in the area. And now some people are misguided in their views of Israel because they seem to be the aggressor. But i believe everything they do is necessary.

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