Sunday, February 28, 2010

U.N. presses for more investigations into Israel-Gaza war

This article is about the UN's investigation between the Israel-Gaza conflict. Palestinians are saying that Israels acts were war-crimes and those involved should be brought to justice. This article talks about the Goldstone report which gives was a report taken from when the conflict was going on but is not impartial. The vote was 98-7 in favor of adding the Goldstone Report into the decision process.
This article seriously disgusts me. Israel has been conducting agreed upon impartial investigations on the conflict and there is no reason to stop that and just add in this bias piece of evidence. And second of all Israel went on the offensive because missiles were being shot at them, what the hell are they supposed to do. Asking politely doesn't work in this situation. Israel sent in a report justifying all of its actions. Israel asked "Or, in contrast, do we really believe that the terrorist Hamas organization will investigate its use of human shields, its appalling methods of targeting civilians, and its cynical use of schools, hospitals, and mosques as weapons of terror?" This is of global importance because it is dealing with one of the most tender topics. And the Un doesn't seem to understand that even if they do bring Israelis to justice. If Palestinians keep shooting rockets into Israel, they wont hesitate to retaliate, and they have no reason too.

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