Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Alleged neo-Nazis register for Peruvian elections

This article is about the upcoming Peru election and the candidate who is allowed to run. his name is Ricardo de Spirito Balbuena, and he is some times refer to as the Adolf Hitler of Tacna. Publicly he hasn't admitted that he is a Nazi but it is pretty much known. And sometimes he even wears a band with a "z" on it instead of the swastika.
This is very important because with the troubles going on today in the Holy Land and Israel, we don't need a Nazi gaining power anywhere. If he was elected it shows the hatred for Jews that still exists today, and how much we still need to change as a nation. I thinks that it is even ridiculous for Peru to allow this man to run. Anyone that makes their name through hatred does deserve to run for public official.I am very curious to see the outcome of this situation.

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