Tuesday, April 13, 2010

True Life Response

The person that most stuck out to me while watching this video was definitely Hajeeb. He stuck out to me the most because he seemed to be the least dramatic person in thevideo. He and te jewish teacher were the most accepting of the problem, and just did all that they could to get a better life, or the life that they wanted. I liked Hajeeb because he seemed to be the only person who realized that the real way out of the problems was to leave the country. And it wasn't easy but he fought for his family and himself to get them out. I felt really good for him when they showed him living in south caroline cause i thought he deserved to get out of the West Bank and Israel altogether. When they showed all the peoples everyday lives it almost uncomparable to ours. Most of the people there were having trouble just trying to get a to a certain destination. While here we complain if the ride is going to be kinda long. And also here it doesn't even enter our minds that we get the opportunity of education no matter where we live, and its free. For them, the whole education process is a struggle in itself, and they really want to go to school to learn, while we take advantage of our opportunity, instead of making the best out of it. The person i least liked was Hiba because it didn't seem like she was making any effort to make things better for her self. Yes she was going to college but it seemed to me that she was acting a lot and complaining. And she also was totally not understanding of the Jews. While most of the others could understand both sides of the situation.

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