Friday, April 30, 2010

Belgium's lower house votes to ban burqa

This article is about a new law passed in Belgium that bans the use of Burkas by muslim women. The vote was unanimous in favor of the law. They say that everyone must show their faces in public, especially women because they say they have to protect their values, which they say is women rights. They also say that only 10% of muslim women wear the burka, and they are "radical". Amnesty International condemned the vote right away, and Muslim Rights activists warn that it may cause more muslim women to wear the burka.
This article is of global importance because its show how ridiculous and ethnocentric European nations, and nations all over the world are becoming. They say that they are doing this to support women's rights, but aren't they taking away their right to wear what ever they want. Why don't they just admit that they feel uncomfortable because of stereo typical views of muslims. Just the fact that the man who voted for it said that only the radical muslims wear burkas show how uneducated they really are about muslim tradition and culture. This is really a shame.

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