Thursday, April 29, 2010


When someone asks me what I think about africa some of the first things to come into my mind are poverty, aids, dessert, disease, and british influence. Another thing that I think about that doesn't relate to its people are all the different ecosystems that are there. I know there is the biggest river, the biggest desert, and huge rain forests. Its amazing how all the different climate types there are . But through schooling I have been trained to think that the british caused lots of problems in Africa, and are still influencing them today. Maybe some of the problems between villages and stuff wouldn't be around. But I am not sure how I really feel about that because schools seem to have a common theme of blaming things either on the US or Europe, sometimes for a good reason, but I feel like the people that the british encountered weren't so well off before the Europeans got there. Im not really sure how I feel but I hope to be able to get a better understanding after this unit.

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